Jarn’s Journal Day 718 #sffsat

This is an excerpt from the fictional Journal of Jarn, a human-like alien stranded on Earth, in Africa, roughly 125,000 years ago. He has found and rescued an early human child, Songbird, and spent the last rainy season within visiting distance of their seasonal camp. But now they have left, following the game back northward. A slightly longer version of this excerpt is on my main blog, and all of Jarn’s Journal to date is on my author website.

Jarn’s story is the remote background for all of my science fiction stories, and for the whole idea of the Jarnian Confederation.

I have to get hold of myself and do something! I’ve done nothing but mope the last fiveday—I haven’t even kept up this journal, or marked where sunset occurs. The fact is, I’ve gotten so used to company that I’ve forgotten how to function without it.

How did I survive before I found Songbird? Mostly, as I recall, I was trying to stay alive and to explore this place where I found myself. Staying alive is not much of a problem now – at least I know what is edible, and if I can’t find it nearby, I can teleport to a number of places where food can generally be found. Exploring ….

I need shoes! Between Songbird and her people I have a reasonable wardrobe – not the kind I am accustomed to, but quite enough to protect me in this relatively warm environment. Can I make something to protect my feet?

Look at the other excerpts at Science Fiction and Fantasy Saturday.

About sueannbowlingauthor

Sue Ann Bowling earned a bachelor’s degree in physics at Radcliffe/Harvard and a Ph.D. in geophysics from the University of Alaska. After thirty years of teaching, she retired to focus on writing. Bowling has lived in Alaska for fifty years. Visit her Web site on canine color genetics at http://bowlingsite.mcf.com/Genetics/Genetics.html.
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12 Responses to Jarn’s Journal Day 718 #sffsat

  1. @CaryCaffrey says:

    I see I’m not the only one who has trouble finding shoes that fit! Jarn didn’t follow my rule: when you find one good pair of shoes – always buy a second pair! 🙂

    Great, enjoyable snippet, as always.

  2. Gayle Ramage says:

    I do feel for Jarn. Just when you get used to company, it’s gone again. Great snippet.

  3. nrgalloway24 says:

    Great snippet. Your use of first person seemed really natural. The word choice helped me put together a really good idea of the character. I liked the shoe detail. Why is it always so hard to find shoes?

  4. T.K. Toppin says:

    I agree with you Cary. Shoes (for my wee size) can be difficult, indeed. I’m feeling Jarn’s frustrations and predicament. Good stuff as always!

  5. “I need shoes!”

    I hear that Payless is having a sale this weekend. 😉

    I’m left wondering what poor Jarn is going to do now that the natives have migrated. I get the feeling that boredom is going to come to him quickly. The quality snippets never cease, Sue!

    • On this one I really sympathize with Jarn –my size 11’s don’t give me much choice, either, especially as my feet blister at the drop of a shoelace and are very narrow at heel and broad in the toe region. What’s more he’s where nobody has even thought of shoes, so he’s going to have to reinvent them from his memories.
      It’s fun putting myself in Jarn’s head, even if I know approximately what’s going to happen (it’s hinted at in Homecoming and Tourist Trap, set far in Jarn’s future) and he doesn’t.

  6. Jarn and his endless search for shoes. Until you’re put in that position, it’s something so simple you take for granted.

    And I hate that he’s lonely now. Poor guy.

  7. One definitely feels his loneliness in this snip – great stuff. Oh -and his frustration with the minus shoes part …

  8. jccassels says:

    Poor Jarn!! I feel so sorry for his poor feet!

    I love how you take this journal entry and really make it sympathetic without seeming whiny. You really get a feel for how isolated and out of his element Jarn must feel.

  9. Ahh, he needs companionship. And shoes!

  10. pippajay says:

    Aww, he misses them!

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