Jarn’s Journal Year 2 Day 324 #SFFSat

It’s now my fourth day of searching, and I still have not found them. I did see a band yesterday—not the people I am looking for, but their ornaments were similar. I thought it over last night and most of today, and decided to contact them. Cautiously. I hid where I could hear them speaking, enough to know they spoke the language I learned from Songbird, and who knew? They might have been at the gather, and be able to tell me where I should look.

Their camp was by a water hole, and I walked in with my hands spread, just before sunset, ready to teleport away at any sign they were hostile—I had not forgotten those others! “Greetings,” I said carefully. “Do you know of the band that has a child called Songbird?”

They looked at each other and the men, their ribs painfully obvious, took a tighter grasp on their spears.

Jarn’s Journal is a part of the remote back story of the science fiction universe of the Jarnian Confederation, the background against which my two award-winning novels, Homecoming and Tourist Trap, are set. A slightly longer version of this post can be found at my main blog, and the entire Journal to date is on my author website.

Don’t forget to visit the rest of the authors taking part in Science Fiction and Fantasy Saturday.

About sueannbowlingauthor

Sue Ann Bowling earned a bachelor’s degree in physics at Radcliffe/Harvard and a Ph.D. in geophysics from the University of Alaska. After thirty years of teaching, she retired to focus on writing. Bowling has lived in Alaska for fifty years. Visit her Web site on canine color genetics at http://bowlingsite.mcf.com/Genetics/Genetics.html.
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6 Responses to Jarn’s Journal Year 2 Day 324 #SFFSat

  1. How to become dinner in three easy steps! I’m enjoying following Jarn’s journey

  2. Aston West says:

    Oops…looks like someone’s going to get it…

  3. Meat! Meat! Meat! Meat! Better run (or teleport), Jarn!

  4. T.K. Toppin says:

    Oh-ohhh… I hope Jarn can teleport faster than he can run (knowing his penchant for walking)!! Great stuff as usual!

  5. Hope he planned an escape route in case they decide he’s a threat.

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